The Messenger - Daniel Silva
Museum curator turned secret agents, hidden classic paintings, Arabs with terrorist plots, vivid descriptions of Paris, Rome, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Israel, USA are what make up "The messenger" and kept me hooked.....It was especially exciting to read about Paris since I recently made my first visit to Paris. It really is a magical city and you fall in love with it as soon as you set your foot there. The central character of Gabriel Allon is pretty intriguing. However, I feel that Daniel Silva gives in to stereotypes and sketches the typical image of Gabriel - a guy who rarely shows emotions and always thinks through his head. Sarah is a welcome change in the repertoire of characters - a smart, intelligent and brave woman who takes up the task of being a spy in a hostile environment without fearing for her life. It was exciting to read some of the codes and signals agreed upon for the communication between the spy and her team. Imagining lounging on a ship with the ruthless enemy while pretending to be something you are not gave me goose bumps. I did enjoy the author's style of writing and I will be going back for more of his books:) Shall keep you posted on which ones I pick up. Next up is another book covering Paris - "Salaam Paris by Kavita Daswani"